Mr.Becken wrote: 1st of all there is no proof he did this! Second is its just a game hes a great pilot that loves the game and ive shot a teammate down before on accident so know what ? And no the best pilot cant do what ever he pleases and other pilots cussing was an example sooo if my attitude is not plesent enough for you im sorry... wonder what will happen when they find out my spads inspection ran out 2 months ago ? and rape and murder isnt a joking matter thats serious and has affected many people and could be insulting to some.
The reports on the Blacklist Thread are often as close to "proof" as we can expect to have.
Zeek's explanation was/is that his ctrl key frequently gets stuck resulting in unintentional friendly fire. Perfectly plausible. He's also said that, in the case cited, he never hit the blue player who declared him a "traitor". One or the other excuse might hold water, but not both at once.
I've exchanged PMs with Zeek, given close attention to his explanation(s), and despite the inconsistencies, I've un-banned him. He was also Muted, and I've lifted the Mute without knowing why (or by whom) it was imposed.
Mr. Becken, we've all shot teammates before, it happens every day. That goes without saying. But we haven't all
declared our intention to team-kill and then been reported for doing so with a screen captured accusation of being a "traitor" to support the claim.
Whatever you're working so hard to say, about "the best pilot" (meaning me vis a vis the global rankings? Some stretch about my abusing that standing, as if my ranking in the game and my duties as Moderator had anything to do with one another?) and your "spads inspection", frankly, it makes no sense. If your point is that I'm executing my responsibility as a Moderator by receiving a complaint about a player and acting accordingly, you're quite correct.