No point in blacklisting Enigma's "Ashley

" - it changed its name promptly after leaving the match early because it knew it would end up on the blacklist. I doubt this player would take a ban anyway, unless it banned itself.
Camping to spawn kill, and refused to accept responsibility for its actions. I thought it was unintentional so I didn't take a screenshot.
I'm sorry hammer, but this is the third Enigma player I've encountered in the last week who has broken basic rules of etiquette or actual game rules. I have kept my mouth shut out of respect for my former squad but this latest one irritated everyone in the game.
Whoever this player really is, they suck at flying, can't shoot for shit, and camping seems to be the only way it can make kills. If it has the balls to keep a name and face me again, I'll meet it anywhere it likes, global mod or not.