Thanks, I assume it will take a little while to add me to the lists etc. so no worries...I signed up on the website, anything else I should know being a misfit?
SnidleyWhiplash wrote: Thanks, I assume it will take a little while to add me to the lists etc. so no worries...I signed up on the website, anything else I should know being a misfit?
Yup, wreck up the skys, and leave the others on the ground. Lol
Lol..ghost to funny i can see you riding the clouds, like in your banner. I found the problem on whips membership as soon as it will let me reload the page I will fix it
ok guys I just checked out the website and to tell you the truth it is amazing how far it has come and how far this squad has come we arnt even a week old yet good job everyone keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!